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bimonthly Assessment

General medicine bimonthly assessment

•The case presented is with accurate data. 

The case begins with the chief complaint the history of presenting complaints in a chronological order, past history, personal history is written well the vitals have been explained
•All Investigations  done are suggesting the   provisional diagnosis and any  changes occuring in the  patient on every day basis and uncertainties around the diagnosis have been given.

 •The case is acurate

Segmentation of the case as chief complaints,history of presenting illness, history of past illness ,personal and family history.
• The history taking is in chronological order but a clear explanation can be given 

Question 5

Students professional,clinical experience based on the objectives in the logbooks ,which facilitate and monitor students learning  elog can assist in reaching educational and clinical goals and also it can provide feedback to students and teachers. 

A salient feature of e log is the opportunity to provide formative feedback.importance of timely and positive feedback can never be underestimated. It helps to bridge gap between current and desired understanding. 

It is an important tool,which not only guides but also monitors the progress of a trainee through a training program. Majority of students believed that it had strong impact on clinical skills.E-log system is regarded as useful exercise for their learning as it not only increases motivation 


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